Chi omega

Founded in 1895 at the University of Arkansas, Chi Omega is the largest women's fraternal organization in the world with over 350,000 initiates and 178 collegiate chapters.
One of the most unique aspects of the Eta Lambda chapter is our diversity. We have members from all different backgrounds, concentrating in a variety of majors & hobbies, hailing from all parts of the world.
Here at American University, we pride ourselves on being strong, involved members of our school and greater Washington D.C. community. Chi O sisters participate in campus activities ranging from club soccer and student publications to holding leadership positions on Peer Health Exchange and the Panhellenic Council. Chi Omega has a huge presence in academic, athletic, artistic and service activities on campus and in the greater Greek community.
The Eta Lambda chapter at American University was founded in 1993.
Chi Omega has a national philanthropy alliance with the Make-A-Wish Foundation®, an organization that grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. Since 2002, Chi Omega has raised over $35 million and volunteered over 1.4 million hours of service for Make-A-Wish.
The Eta Lambda Chapter of Chi Omega works with the Make-A-Wish® Mid-Atlantic chapter. Every Spring, we organize a week of fundraising events known as Wish Week. Each day, the Chapter works together to organize fun activities, such as “Pie-A-Chi O,” Krispy Kreme donut and ice cream sales, and “Wings for Wishes,” a fundraiser partnered with Wingos restaurant. At the end of the week, we host Sand-Slam, our annual sand volleyball tournament.
Over the past three years, our Chapter has raised over $30,000 for Make-A-Wish® Mid-Atlantic. This significant achievement, made possible through our dedicated fundraising events like Wish Week and Sand Slam, not only unifies the AU community in a week of wholesome outdoor fun but also benefits a greater cause that is close to our hearts. It's a testament to our collective efforts and the impact we can make when we work together.
The Chapter works directly with the Make-A-Wish® Mid Atlantic office, which is just down the road in Bethesda, MD. This close connection provides opportunities for members of Eta Lambda to volunteer at local Make-A-Wish® events. One example is Wish Ball, Make-A-Wish® Mid Atlantic’s annual fundraising gala. Over the years, our members have been able to attend the ball and volunteer support for the event. In 2021, the sisters of Eta Lambda attended 4-year-old Abi’s wish. This gives members of Chi Omega a chance to see the impact their fundraising makes in person while further connecting them to the organization!
Our work with Make-A-Wish® is a special part of Eta Lambda that we are very proud of. Philanthropy plays an essential role in our community; it brings us closer together as a chapter as we strive to support this incredible organization.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dues for Chi Omega Eta Lambda is $405 for initiated members and $690 for new members.
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I am incredibly honored and grateful to serve as the President of the Eta Lambda chapter of Chi Omega. Perhaps like some of you, I wasn't sure if Greek Life was the right path for me. I questioned whether I had the ability to lead a chapter of over seventy accomplished and talented women. However, the beautiful thing about this sisterhood is that the women around me see the potential in myself that I often overlook. When I first joined Chi Omega as a freshman, it helped me broaden my circle in ways I never expected. I met incredible women from different majors and backgrounds, and I quickly found that no matter where I was on campus, I would run into a sister who would greet me with a smile and a wave. Those moments made campus feel like I was a part of something and had a community when I was so far from home.
The most important thing to us at Chi Omega is balance—balancing our individual passions with our collective bond. This balance is what allows us to contribute meaningfully to different aspects of campus life. Whether it's cheering on our athletes at games, attending AU In Motion shows, pursuing academic excellence, we support one another in all endeavors. While our time together as sisters is invaluable, I am continually inspired by each member’s dedication to their pursuits outside of the sorority. The women of Chi Omega are not just my sisters; they are my friends, mentors, and role models. Chi Omega is the largest women’s fraternity, with an extensive alumni network that spans across the country and the world. This network has provided me—and will provide you—with incredible opportunities, connections, and lifelong friendships. The support we offer each other doesn’t end when we graduate; it continues throughout our lives, thanks to the strength and reach of our sisterhood.
One thing that makes Greek Life at American University truly special is the tight-knit nature of our sorority community. While our chapters may be smaller compared to other schools, the bonds we share are exceptionally strong. No matter which sorority you choose, you’ll find yourself becoming part of a Panhellenic community that is supportive, uplifting, and united. Every Sunday, I look forward to gathering with my sisters at chapter, sharing our experiences, and supporting one another as we navigate our journeys at American University. Without Chi Omega, I wouldn't have evolved into the woman I am today.
Every one of our girls embodies Chi Omega’s symphony, “to live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place scholarship before social obligations and character before appearances; to be in the best sense, democratic rather than “exclusive”, and lovable rather than “popular”; to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully that course which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always; to be discouraged never (Written by Ethel Switzer Howard, Xi Chapter, 1904).
With Gratitude,
Emma Alizadeh-Dolce, President
Letter From the President