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Many Hearts, One Purpose

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about us:


Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded at Barnard College in 1909. AEPhi was founded on inclusivity and sisterhood after our seven founders were excluded for their Jewish faith. This remains true today, as our chapter sustains the same value of inclusivity of all people.

The goal of Alpha Epsilon Phi is to foster lifelong friendship and sisterhood, academics, social involvement and community service while providing a home away from home for members. We are enriched by sisterhood and unconditional friendships, dedicated to selfless service and inspiring others, and committed to intellectual growth and personal development.


We host fun events like our socials! Most recently, we had our Valentine’s Day themed Crush at St. Yves and our Met Gala themed Formal at Sign of the Whale. We also provide sisterhood events such as craft nights, Barre yoga classes, Washington Nationals games, brunch at the National Cathedral, late night smores activities, and more! Additionally, we enrich our members by holding educational DEI events.














AEPhi has two national philanthropies: Sharsheret and the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF). Sharsheret is a nonprofit organization founded by AEPhi alum Rochelle Shoretz with the goal of supporting women with breast and ovarian cancer and their families. Every fall, we host our annual basketball benefit fundraiser “Phi Hoops” and all proceeds benefits Sharsheret. This past fall, we raised over $4,000 for Sharsheret. 

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF) was founded by another AEPhi alum, Elizabeth Glaser. She founded the foundation after contracting HIV through a blood transfusion and unknowingly passing it down to her children. EGPAF is dedicated to preventing HIV through research and treatment programs. Although Elizabeth Glaser lost her battle to HIV in 1994, her son continues her mission. Every Spring, we host an event that benefits EGPAF. This spring, we are hosting a fundraising event at Tuckernuck, where 15% of all proceeds will benefit EGPAF. Additionally, earlier this semester we tabled on the quad for "Glazed for Glaser". We sold donuts and custom bracelets, raising nearly $2000 for EGPAF.




“Being the VP of philanthropy for AEPhi has truly been such an enjoyable and fulfilling role. I am so proud of all my sisters for their dedication to supporting our incredible national philanthropies, and I am so excited for our upcoming events!”

               - Gillian Lebowitz, VP Philanthropy and Service Learning

letter from our president
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When I joined AEPhi, the sisterhood was immediately evident to me. The way older members talked about traditions, philanthropy events, and hanging out with sisters off campus solidified my decision. Throughout my time in this chapter, the feeling of sisterhood has only grown stronger. The sisters of AEPhi are my best friends, future bridesmaids, and biggest cheerleaders. Aside from friendships, AEPhi has also brought me academic and career advice. Whether it’s a sister recommending a professor or sending me a new internship opening, there is a constant support system; including our dedicated alumni network. I have always been told to surround myself with individuals who you’d like to be and I can confidently say that I have found that in AEPhi. Being surrounded by such motivated, philanthropic, and intelligent women is so inspiring. The amount of love and support I receive from this chapter is infinite. I am so proud and honored to lead an organization with such strong, ambitious, and encouraging women. 



Emilia Iannini, President


For Spring 2023, dues for active sisters were $435 and new member dues were $730. Payment plans and scholarships are always available. 

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