real. strong. women.

about us:
The Beta Rho chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, founded on June 3, 1936, prides ourselves on being a community of hard working individuals. Our philanthropy, Domestic Violence Awareness, is deeply personal to us and we are passionate about raising money and awareness for the cause on our campus and in our DC community.
Being an Alpha Chi is being a hard working individual who constant pursues their passions while also enjoying the college experience. Our members are deeply involved in the campus community, you can find us everywhere from AU In Motion, to Mock Trial, to AU Student Government. We are grateful for our tight-knit community of real, strong individuals who work together, and push each other to become the best versions of ourselves along with our Panhellenic community at AU.
check out our 2023
sisterhood video!
philanthropy: domestic violence awareness (DVA)
Alpha Chi Omega’s national philanthropy is domestic violence awareness. Standing together to fight domestic violence allows us to support real, strong women everywhere. We serve year round, through fundraising events, healthy relationship seminars, and working with our local shelter, My Sister’s Place (MSP). 1 in 4 women are abused by a partner in her lifetime, and on a typical day, there are over 20,000 calls placed to domestic violence hotlines. In order to raise awareness and support for the cause, Beta Rho hosts two main annual fundraising events: Alpha Chi Kickoff and Pizza Pie with Alpha Chi.
AXO’s Kickoff, our fall philanthropy event, brings the community together in a friendly, competitive soccer tournament. Teams pay to play and can participate in raffles and buy concessions during the event In fall September 2022, we raised $16k for MSP.
In April 2023, we hosted Pizza Pie with Alpha Chi, our spring fundraiser where we sell pizza and beverages on the quad and donate all proceeds to MSP. This past year we sold 40 pizzas and raised $700. These events allow us to discuss our philanthropy with the AU community and have conversations about MSP and domestic violence awareness.
In March 2022, we hosted an annual Domestic Violence Awareness panel with seven panelists to discuss issues of sexual assault and domestic violence on college campuses, with over 100 attendees.
​In February 2023, we partnered with Tie Dye Lab in a fundraiser to create custom tie-dye apparel where 20% of proceeds were donated to survivors of Domestic Violence at My Sister’s Place.
In February 2023, we tabled on the quad all week for Healthy Relationships Week where AU community members could write “What Love Means…” to them, launched a social media campaign where sisters shared what “Love Is…”, and engaged in discussions on what healthy relationships are chapter-wide.
In December 2022, we partnered with the Davenport Coffee Lounge on campus to feature a domestic violence awareness drink-of-the-month that raised $250 for MSP.
check out our 2023 philanthropy video!
Alpha Chi semester dues typically range from $775-$825 for new members and $430-$465 for initiated sisters. AXO expects dues to stay roughly the same each year with any increases being marginal.
letter from the president:
Being President of Alpha Chi Omega at American University is one of the best parts of my college experience. My chapter is a group of diverse strong individuals who constantly inspire and push each other to grow. Alpha Chi’s motto is: “Real Strong Women” and my chapter truly embodies this. I am inspired every day by the resilience, passion and drive I see in my members.
Before joining this organization I never would have seen myself in a leadership position but my chapter pushed me to grow and provided an amazing support system for me to do it in. The people I have met in this organization are my best friends who have supported me through every accomplishment and challenge. I love being a part of a community that can recognize the best qualities in me and help bring them out. I am beyond grateful for everyone I have met since joining.
Hannah Goldberg, Chapter President

A message from our vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion: Abby Gee

"As the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of Alpha Chi Omega, my goal is to create a sense of belonging for all members of the chapter. Not only does this include educating my sisters on topics relating to inclusion and diversity, but also simply being a resource for anyone who needs it. Within this role, I think about the core values of what it means to be an Alpha Chi, such as wisdom, devotion and achievement. I want to acknowledge that throughout history, we have not always lived up to these principles. Therefore, it is in how we continue to educate ourselves and work to do better- as we learn more about what it truly means to be a real, strong woman.
I know that my work, our work, is never done. I want to continue having the difficult conversations that are necessary among members and leaders in Alpha Chi Omega. In order to create environments where members can best thrive and grow, facilitating an inclusive environment should be our top priority. Through my own position, my goal is always to foster an experience where all members can use their voices and feel valued. As an organization formed through the methodologies of empowerment, I seek to bring a sense of advocacy to Alpha Chi Omega that makes a change in the Beta Rho chapter and overall community."
social media
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